2023 - Thames Coromandel Shoreline Management Pathways (SMP) Project: Royal HaskoningDHV and Thames Coromandel District Council
2022 - Shoreline Adaptation Plans: Auckland Council
2021 - Unawarded
2020 - Kaituna River Rediversion and Maketū Estuary Enhancement: Bay of Plenty Regional Council, DHI, WSP, Cooney Lees Morgan, Waterline, Economos, RiverLake, Papahikahawai, Rangiwewehi and Waitaha, Ngāti Whakaue, J Swap, Ice Geo.
2019 - Project Reef Life: South Taranaki. South Taranaki Underwater Club, Hawera High School, Patea Area School, Te Kaahuio Rauru, Te Runanga o Ngati Ruanui Trust.
2018 - MfE Coastal Hazards and Climate Change: Guidance for Local Government
2017 - Living at the Edge: Transforming Margins. The University of Auckland, Hawkes Bay Regional Council, GNS Science, NIWA, Victoria University of Wellington, Massey University, Lincoln University.
2023 - Andrew Swales: Attendance at Australian Mangrove & Saltmarsh Conference in Adelaide, Australia
2022 - Matthew Rivers: Attendance at International Conference on Coastal Engineering and pre conference courses
2021 - Unawarded
2020 - Shaw Mead and Ed Atkin: Contribution towards obtaining a Certificate of Competence (CoC) for Occupational SCUBA diving.
2019 - Deirdre Hart: Session coordination and attendance at the ICS in Seville plus journal publishing fee, and Josie Crawshaw: Attendance at the CERF 25th Biennial Conference in Mobile, Alabama USA.
2018 - Hilke Giles: Bachelor of Laws and Kate Davies: Trans Tasman collaborations to address cumulative effects.
2017 - Lucy Underwood: Attendance at United Nations Ocean Conference in New York.
2016 - Peter Quilter: Attendance at UNESCO-IHE short courses in the United Kingdom.
2015 - Shane Orchard: development of Participatory GIS for coastal mapping.
2023 - Megan Oliver - Greater Wellington Regional Council: Developing guidance for marine offsetting and compensation in New Zealand.
2024 - Sanne Vaasen: Using fieldwork and modeling to unravel the physical controls on shifts in the mangrove-marsh ecotone. University of Auckland.
2023 - Lucy Coyle: A close-up look at a local coastal fisher in a time of climate change. University of Otago.
2022 - Ben Jones: Combining radiocarbon chronology and shoreline change metrics to understand the vulnerability of coastal archaeological sites. University of Auckland.
2021 - Duc Nguyen: Wind flow dynamics and sand sedimentation through coastal foredune notches. University of Otago.
2020 - Mojgan Razzaghi: Morphological evolution and hydrodynamics of the Maketū Estuary after re-diversion of the Kaituna River. University of Waikato.
2019 - Raphael Krier-Mariani: New approach to define wave transformation on rocky shore platform. University of Otago.
2018 - Dana Clark: Environmental metabarcoding as a novel tool for coastal management. University of Waikato.
2017 - Samuel Thomas: Does size matter in ecosystem functioning? University of Otago.
2016 - Ross Martin: Large scale remote sensing of estuarine seagrass condition. University of Waikato.
2015 - Ben Robertson: Development of a cost-effective trophic state assessment protocol for shallow, temperate, tidal lagoon estuaries. University of Otago.
2014 - Rebecca Gladstone-Gallagher: The role of cross-boundary subsidies of macrophyte detritus in soft sediment ecosystem function. University of Waikato.
2013 - Shawn Harrison: Modelling sediment exchange at ebb-tide deltas. University of Waikato.
2012 - Claire Kain: Characterising paleotsunami: applying new analytical methods to obtain wave direction and flow velocity data from prehistoric tsunami sediments in New Zealand.
2024 - Alaina Baker: An automated approach to mapping variability of Hapua morphodynamics in New Zealand. University of Otago.
2023 - Louis Alexander: The feeding ecology and diet preference of Odax pullus. University of Otago.
2022 - Alasdair Hall: Post-earthquake reestablishment and indicators of health of the New Zealand fur seal in Kaikoura. Massey University.
2021 - Cassandra Newman: Using historic and 3D drone imagery for coastal erosion analysis at historic landfill sites on sandy coastlines in Southland New Zealand. Auckland University of Technology.
2020 - Taylor Thomson: Estuarine ecosystem tipping points - the role of the deposit feeding bivalve Macomona lilliana in regulating nutrient and sediment loading in estuarine environments. University of Waikato.
2019 - Maddy Glover: Mapping of current and historic extent of Macrocystis pyrifera along southern coastal Otago. University of Otago.
2018 - Prajakta Niphadkar: Sea Level Variability around New Zealand: Observations, Projections and Contributions. University of Auckland.
2017 - Craig MacDonnell: A new ecological eye in the sky: Characterisation of small scale vegetation distribution and geomorphological evolution of a coastal restoration program using Remotely Piloted Aircraft System for 4-dimentional mapping. University of Otago.
2016 - Hannah Payne-Harker: Ecosystems services based approach to coastal management in New Zealand. University of Otago.
2015 - Hannah Berger: Characterising landscape and sea level dynamics to predict shoreline responses over the next 100+ years in a high-energy coastal setting. University of Canterbury.
2014 - Josie Crawshaw: To what etent does benthic infauna stimulate dentrification in eutrophic sediments? University of Otago.
2013 - Kathryn McLaughlin: Dispersal and storage of Ammophila arearia (marram grass) seed in transgressive dune systems. University of Otago.
2012 - Edwin Ainley: Depositional effects of sediments on the ecological performance of subtidal seaweeds. University of Auckland.
2024 - Lucy Coulston: Assessment of the barriers of indigenous engagement: a comparative case study of Waituna and Waitarakao coastal lagoons. University of Canterbury.
2023 - Leana Barriball: Seal level rise impacts on Inanga spawning sites - utilising two knowledge systems. University of Waikato.
2022 - Unawarded
2021 - Unawarded
2020 - Akuhata Bailey-Winiata: Potential impacts of sea level rise and storms on New Zealand coastal marae. University of Waikato.
2019 - Will Pinfold: Quantifying an invasive seaweed Undaria pinnatifida using underwater videography. University of Otago.
2018 - Vanessa Taikato: Ahumoana tawhito (ancient aquaculture): archaeological evidence and the science behind traditional translocation methods of a bivalve shellfish. University of Waikato.
2023 - Bailey Rackham: ; Mica Lawrence: Lincoln University; Olivia Simmonds: University of Otago; Johnathan Chuhairy: University of Otago; Emma Hjorth: University of Auckland; Edward Dickinson: University of Canterbury.
2022 - Ruari Macfarlane: University of Canterbuty; Senja Ng: University of Waikato; Michael Allison: University of Auckland.
2021 - Jazmynn Hodder-Swain: Lincoln University; Bae Fountain: University of Waikato; Gustavo Medina Brant: University of Auckland; Alexander Bryan: University of Otago; Kade Bellaney and Hanna Lyford: University of Canterbury.
2020 - Livvy Harris: University of Canterbury; Caitlin Meister: University of Otago; Seth Smith: University of Auckland; Brooke Ellis-Smith: University of Waikato; Shana Dooley: Lincoln University.
2019 - Ben McKibbin: University of Canterbury; Hannah van Waelsden: University of Canterbury; Kara Jurgens: University of Otago; Kyla Shernbanowski: Southern Institute of Technology; Catherine Gu: University of Auckland; Kimberley D'Arcy: University of Auckland; Ngāpera Keegan: University of Waikato.
2018 - Jason Ng: University of Auckland; Zheng Chen: University of Auckland; Katie Thompson: University of Canterbury; Elliott McCleery: University of Waikato.
2017 - Emma O'Brien: University of Auckland; Matthew House: University of Waikato; Kelsey Handley: University of Canterbury; Emma Woods: Massey University.
2023 - Unawarded
2021 - Unawarded
2019 - Danielle Bertram: Geospatial Multi-Criteria Analysis for Site Selection of Wave Energy Farms in New Zealand. University of Waikato.
2017 - Berengere Dejeans: Assessment of the performance of a turbulence closure model: along the tidally influenced Kaipara River to the estuary, NZ