Premier NZCS Awards - Open Now

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Premier NZCS Awards - Open Now

Terry Healy Award 2023   Professional Development Award 2024


Two of NZCS's premier awards are now open for applications: Terry Healy Coastal Project Award, and the Professional Development Award. 

Both awards close 1 September 2023, and 

The Terry Healy Coastal Project Award acknowledges the achievement of a project which has made a significant contribution to New Zealand's coastal and marine environment.  The award is intended to commend a coastal project for its overall commitment to excellence working within the coastal zone and promoting the New Zealand Coastal Society (NZCS) vision and values: Sustainable management of New Zealand's coastal and marine environment underpinned by sound science, engineering and policy practice, comprehensive monitoring, involved communities and effective national networks.

The award intends to raise community awareness of the importance of the coastal zone and to encourage coastal planners, engineers and management practitioners to strive for excellence.


While the purpose of the New Zealand Coastal Society (NZCS) Professional Development Award (PDA) is to:

  • promote continual improvements in individual education, skills and experience in coastal management (your capability)
  • encourage leadership in coastal disciplines (your contribution). 

Successful applicants will receive up to NZ$5,000 towards the expenses of pursuing a professional development opportunity that aligns with and advances the mission and vision of NZCS. Successful applicants will also receive complimentary registration (valued at NX$500) to the NZCS annual conference to deliver a presentation on the learnings of their PDA activity. 


We are looking forward to seeing a broad calibre of application from across the coastal sector - these awards aren't limited to once genre. If you are working in science, planning or engineering, or your work and projects strongly align to the Society's visions, please apply. 


Application forms and further detail can be found here: